Blog categoriesStudents storiesTravel experiencesGuides & TipsPlaces & CulturesStart planning your gap experience today!Top Articles1What is a gap year? A guide to your intentional breakTRAVEL EXPERIENCES - July 3, 202426 reasons to take a gap year in ItalyTRAVEL EXPERIENCES - April 19, 20243Why take a gap year? Everything you’ll learn during your sabbaticalTRAVEL EXPERIENCES - July 24, 20244Why learn Italian? 6 reasons to learn the Italian languageLANGUAGE & LESSONS - August 21, 20245A guide to required documents to study in ItalyGUIDES & TIPS - March 15, 20246Study abroad budget: a guide to get the most out of your gap yearGUIDES & TIPS - May 23, 20247Is Italian easy to learn? Well, it depends!LANGUAGE & LESSONS - September 25, 20248How to learn Italian faster? 7 strategies to make learning easierLANGUAGE & LESSONS - June 19, 20249How to get an Italian visa?GUIDES & TIPS - March 26, 2024LANGUAGE & LESSONSHow to learn Italian faster? 7 strategies to make learning easierWondering how to learn Italian faster? Discover 7 effective strategies to make your language journey easier!LANGUAGE & LESSONSWhy should you learn a second language?Wondering why you should learn a second language? Here are 5 reasons that will surely convince you to start learning!LANGUAGE & LESSONSItalian slang: 10 expressions to spice up your conversationsDive into the world of Italian slang with these 10 expressions. Add flavor to your conversations effortlessly!LANGUAGE & LESSONSAdults learning Italian in Italy: Language, travel, cultureUnlock the joy of learning Italian in Italy as an adult. Discover the essential factors for language immersion success! LANGUAGE & LESSONS10 common mistakes German speakers make in ItalianFrom pronunciation challenges to translation errors, discover the most common mistakes you could make in Italian!LANGUAGE & LESSONSHow to choose a good Italian teacherFind out how to choose your ideal Italian teacher. Beyond linguistic skills, discover all factors to consider!PreviousLoad more articles