10 basic Italian phrases to know before going to Italy

July 16, 2024

Italy, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine, is a dream destination for many travelers. And while many Italians in tourist areas speak some English, knowing a few basic Italian phrases (and even some slang!) can greatly enhance your travel experience. Communicating in the local language can indeed open doors to more authentic interactions, create a deeper connection with the culture, and show respect for the country you are visiting.

Even a small effort to speak Italian can be met with warm appreciation and friendliness from locals, making your journey even more enjoyable. So, whether you’re asking for directions, ordering food, or simply striking up a conversation, here are ten essential phrases to learn before your trip!

1. Parli inglese?

What does it mean: Do you speak English?

When traveling in Italy, you might find yourself in need of assistance from locals. Starting the conversation with a simple "Ciao! Parli inglese?" is a polite way to ask someone if he or she can speak English and will be especially helpful in less touristy areas where the language might not be widely spoken. By using this basic Italian phrase, you can determine if communication will be easier in English or if you should try using simple Italian or gestures!

2. Quanto costa?

What does it mean: How much does it cost?

Whether you’re shopping in a market, purchasing tickets for a museum, or ordering food at a restaurant, understanding the cost of items is not only important; it’s crucial. While there may be some more polite ways to ask for the price of something, “Quanto costa?” is a straightforward and essential question to ask about prices.

3. Dove si trova…?

What does it mean: Where is…?

Navigating through the charming streets of Italian cities and towns can sometimes be confusing. This is where the simple phrase "Dove si trova…?" becomes indispensable. Whenever you need to find a specific location, such as a restroom, a famous landmark, or your hotel, using this phrase not only helps you get the directions you need but also shows locals that you are making an effort to speak their language, which they usually appreciate.

4. Non capisco

What does it mean: I don’t understand

Language barriers can occasionally lead to misunderstandings. When you find yourself in a situation where you can’t follow what someone is saying, "Non capisco" is the perfect way to indicate that you need further clarification. And what’s more is that, this basic Italian phrase will prove useful in various scenarios, such as asking for directions, understanding a menu, or comprehending instructions!

5. Come ti chiami?

What does it mean: What is your name?

Meeting new people is one of the joys of traveling. When making new friends, talking to locals, or getting to know teachers and guides, asking them “Come ti chiami?” will help you break the ice and open up conversations. No more not knowing the name of the people you’re traveling with, you’re a simple question away from learning about them!

6. Non parlo italiano

What does it mean: I don’t speak Italian

"Non parlo italiano" is a straightforward declaration that lets people know you do not speak Italian fluently. So, make sure to use it in all situations where someone is speaking too quickly or using complex vocabulary. They will surely understand that they need to speak more slowly or switch to basic phrases and gestures to help you understand. And if you are lucky enough, they’ll switch to English.

7. Come si dice … in italiano?

What does it mean: How do you say … in Italian?

One of the best ways to learn a new language is speaking to natives. This way you’ll get to learn many new words and if you’re looking to learn a specific word you can always ask them "Come si dice … in italiano?". In no time you’ll become a pro of Italian langugae, learning all there is to know about food, places, means of trasportation and more. And you’ll also show your eagerness to learn!

8. Puoi aiutarmi?

What does it mean: Can you help me?

Whether you’re lost, need help with something, or have a question, "Puoi aiutarmi?" will take you a long way. This phrase is indeed very versatile and can be used in various contexts, from finding directions to seeking recommendations on what to see or where to eat. And don’t worry, Italians are known for their hospitality, and most people will be happy to assist you if they can.

9. Mi sono perso

What does it mean: I am lost

Getting lost can be a common occurrence when exploring new places. If you find yourself disoriented, "Mi sono perso" is the phrase to use. It clearly communicates your situation and usually prompts people to offer assistance or directions. This phrase can be a lifesaver when navigating the streets of an old town or finding your way back to your accommodation after a day of sightseeing!

10. Posso avere un…?

What does it mean: Can I have a…?

When ordering food, drinks, or requesting items in a store, "Posso avere un…?" is very useful. This basic Italian phrase ensures indeed that you politely ask for what you need, whether it's a specific dish at a restaurant, a drink at a café, or an item in a shop. For example, you might say "Posso avere un caffè?" (Can I have a coffee?). 

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