Seth in Milan - Embracing change in Italy

September 13, 2024

After I finished my degree at university and worked for a few years, I wanted a change in my life.

Ever since I was a teenager, I knew that I wanted to experience my time abroad in Italy, but I wasn't sure exactly where to start. However, everything changed after my first visit to Italy in the summer of 2023 when I discovered more about Italianforawhile and the IFA community. I knew that after my 2 weeks traveling all over the country, I wanted to come back for an extended period and learn the language.

Initially, I wasn't sure how long I wanted to stay, but I decided to stay for at least 4 months in Milan to see how things would be. I thought that this would be a good length of time to start learning Italian and look for job opportunities!

The Milan Cathedral, the heart of the city of Milan, where Seth spent four months

After arriving in Italy, I experienced a big culture shock, but I quickly adapted to life, learning the ins and outs of the city. Of course, I missed my friends and family back home, but I knew that I had to take advantage of the opportunity of being here. Sure enough, in time, I started to meet amazing new people and make unforgettable friends from my Italian class.

The initial weeks were a little rough, but they really opened my mind and allowed me to rediscover myself in the best way. I had to relearn how to live a new life; it was almost like being born again, and I think that is a beautiful moment to experience in life. I allowed myself to grow from being brand new in an unfamiliar place to now more established in a place I love, surrounded by lovely people.

I have now built a solid foundation in learning Italian and continue to travel around Italy with my new friends I've made since moving here.

Seth drinking a coffee in the Navigli area of Milan

So far, this experience has boosted my confidence in ways I didn't know were possible. I believe I have gained so many new perspectives in life from all of the people that I have met during my time abroad, and I am a better person because of it! Currently, I'm extending my time here because I love it so much!

My advice to others who are considering making a similar move is to take that leap of faith and trust your instincts! Life truly is about experiences and relationships, and I can't think of a better way to enhance these two things than by taking a gap year!

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